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Edrian Hildevert

I am a Full Stack developer. I specialize in developing web applications using Node.js for the backend and Next Js for the frontend. With Node.js, I create robust and scalable APIs, while with Next Js I develop dynamic and efficient user interfaces. I am excited to contribute my skills and experiences to new projects and challenges in the field of web development.

My Projects

Task Appadd

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Task App.close

This App allows you to create and manage your daily homework and activities, It's developed with Next Js, MongoDB and Google Auth.

Blog Appadd

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Blog Appclose

This page allows you to create and delete some blogs, it is developed with NodeJs, Express, EJS and MongoDB.

Authentication Appadd

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Authentication Appclose

In order to interact with this page, first you need to sign up and log in to have access to the content, it is developed with Nodejs, Express, Jason Web Token and MongoDB, it also uses other packages like coockie-parser and validator.